Monday, August 24, 2009


The once-in-a-lifetime experience of planning, implementing, and then recovering from a wedding (along with miscellaneous computer problems) has managed to curtail most of my film viewing and writing over the summer (yes, honeymoon was totally worth it). But that all changes with this newest post over at the Tisch Film Review. This Hark/Lam/To pseudo-omnibus cum large-scale-exquisite corpse leaves much to be desired as a proper narrative (its structuring gimmick is more compelling than anything that the characters actually engage in on screen), but it does offer a unique movie going experience - three distinct visual styles buttressed up against each other, allowing very specific ruminations on some fascinating aesthetic variations. It doesn't hurt that the film goes out on a high point, courtesy of one of our greatest living filmmakers. Scoot on over and check it out, and as always please feel free to argue.